Salem County Sportsmen's Club |
Upcoming events
View events in calendar mode (member log in needed for member-only events) | rangesFor Skeet and Trap information, go to the Skeet and Trap Range Badge Class Those needing a range badge please make sure your name is on the list in the club office. A class will be scheduled as soon as possible. Those on the list will be notified when a class is scheduled. Club NRA Instructors We are looking for help for club events. We need certified instructors for the Youth Outdoor Day on July 20th. Keep your credentials active by helping instruct at these events. For those looking to inquire about certification or any NRA classes Contact Ron Ayres for more info at _______________ The rifle and pistol ranges are open 7 days a week for your enjoyment. Closed on Tuesday's until 3pm for maintenance. All those using the ranges must have taken a range badge class prior to using the ranges. As a reminder there is absolutely no shotgun use allowed on the pistol range for any reason. All targets must be paper on both rifle and pistol ranges. Please keep all firearms cased until you are on the firing line. Do not walk from your vehicle with an uncased firearm. No handling firearms when the yellow lights are on. We have cameras on both the ranges and they are used when violations occur. Don't lose your range privileges by violating the range rules. Shooting anything but the proper targets is a violation of the rules. DON”T shoot rocks exposed on the berms. All brass cases must be picked up and placed in the buckets when finished shooting. Be courteous to your fellow members and leave the ranges as clean or cleaner when you leave. Please report any and all rule violators to the range director or the club caretakers. Thank you and let's all have a fun, safe shooting season. Any questions please contact the range director at __________ Range Rules Please always remember the 3 rules of safe gun handling. 1. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR FIREARM POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION. 2. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL READY TO SHOOT. 3.ALWAYS KEEP THE FIREARM UNLOADED UNTIL READY TO USE. Also remember to have your range badge on you when using the club’s ranges. Pick up your brass and place in the buckets and throw targets in trash cans provided. Remember the 2 guests per membership rule. Follow Range rules and operating procedures or risk losing your range privileges. If you are unsure of any rule then please ask before shooting. Asking to take part in a refresher Range Safety Class is recommended and encouraged. Ear & Eye Protection is MANDATORY while on the range. NO exceptions. Members must have a valid SCSC Range Badge to use the ranges and must be visible at all times to other shooters on the ranges. A member is only allowed 2 guests on the range at once. Others must remain off the firing line. A member is the Club member, not the member's spouse (which is counted as one of the guests). When shooting the new reactive targets on the pistol range Absolutely no HOLLOW POINT ammunition is to be used. Anyone caught using hollow point ammunition on these targets will lose their range privileges and possibly their club membership. Hollow points destroy the targets and this is considered destruction of club property and will not be tolerated. Pictures show the damage caused by using the wrong ammunition. Only round nosed bullets are allowed to be used on these targets. Please pick up all your brass and deposit in the buckets. Remove your targets and place in the trash cans.
General Hunting Information
Deer Disease Sighting Information - If you see any sick or dead deer, please fill out the new deer disease sighting form. Videos / photos are encouraged. Your input is critical for NJDEP Fish and Wildlife's quick response to potential disease outbreaks in NJ deer population. Thank you!